
Find Rubric
Session 2: Assembling a Multimodal Resource Set Rubric
Session 2: Assembling a Multimodal Resource Set Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts  
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opportunities to Learn About Habitats
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Describes how each resource provides rich and ample content to support learning about habitats.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Describes how at least two resources provide rich and ample content to support learning about habitats.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Describes how one resource has some content on habitats.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Does not explain how resources support learning about habitats.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opportunities to Develop Phonemic Awareness
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Describes how each resource has multiple opportunities to develop phonemic awareness.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Describes how at least two resources have multiple opportunities to develop phonemic awareness.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Describes how one resource has multiple opportunities to develop phonemic awareness.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Does not explain how resources have clear opportunities to develop phonemic awareness.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Resource Types, Content and Feature Analysis
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Includes a variety of resources. Includes thorough and accurate analysis of content accuracy across all texts in the collection. Includes appropriate analysis of features that distract from or confuse children’s understanding across all texts in the collection.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Includes a variety of resources. Analysis of content accuracy is mostly thorough and accurate across all texts in the collection. Analysis of text features that distract or confuse is mostly accurate across texts in the collection.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Includes a variety of resources. Analysis of content accuracy is either not consistently accurate or not completed for all texts in the collection. Analysis of text features that distract or confuse is either incomplete or largely inaccurate.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Does not include a variety of resources. Analysis of content accuracy is inaccurate and incomplete in all or almost all texts in the collection. Analysis of text features that distract or confuse is incorrect or incomplete in all or almost all texts in the collection.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Instructional Mediation
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Instructional strategies to mediate challenging or confusing text features are effective and complete.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Instructional strategies to mediate challenging or confusing text features are mostly effective and mostly complete.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Names instructional strategies to mediate challenging or confusing text features but suggested practices are mostly ineffective or incomplete.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Did not describe instructional strategies to mediate challenging or confusing text features, or suggested practices that are ineffective or incomplete.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
Total Points: 12.0 out of 12.0