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Session 5: Scenario Analysis Rubric
Session 5: Scenario Analysis Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts  
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Revised Analysis of Teacher’s Actions
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Identifies a specific weakness or missed opportunity related to assessment. Supports the critical analysis with a sound rationale drawing from lecture or readings.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Identifies a specific weakness or missed opportunity related to assessment, but does not support the analysis with a sound rationale.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Makes a general, accurate statement about the teacher’s assessment practices, but does not identify a specific example that exemplifies the weakness and does not support the analysis with a sound rationale.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Did not post or post did not meet any of the specified criteria.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Revised Instructional Modifications
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Suggests appropriate assessment actions and provides a clear and thorough evidence-based rationale drawn from information provided in lectures and assigned readings.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Suggests appropriate assessment actions along with a rationale; however, the rationale lacks both clarity and thoroughness.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Suggests appropriate assessment actions but rationale lacks an evident connection or is missing altogether.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Did not post or post did not meet any of the specified criteria.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
Total Points: 6.0 out of 6.0