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Session 4: Online Journal 4.1 Rubric
Session 4: Online Journal 4.1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts  
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content Knowledge and Critical Analysis
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Provides a clear, accurate description of the characteristics of effective instruction for students who have word-solving difficulty, drawing from both articles. Connects each characteristic to evidence from lecture or readings.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Provides a clear, accurate description of the characteristics of effective instruction for students who have word-solving difficulty, drawing from both articles. Connects some but not all characteristics to evidence from lecture or readings.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Identifies some (but not all) characteristics of effective intervention without a strong rationale.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Did not post or post did not address this criterion.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Connections to Content from Prior Sessions
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Connects effective instruction for students who have word-solving difficulties to pertinent information from all three previous session, commenting on evidence-based instruction of language development, phonemic awareness, and phonics.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Connects effective instruction for students who have word-solving difficulties to pertinent information from all three previous session, commenting on evidence-based instruction of at least two of the domains previously addressed: language development, phonemic awareness, and phonics.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Connects effective instruction for students who have word-solving difficulties to pertinent information from all three previous session, commenting on evidence-based instruction of one of the domains previously addressed: language development, phonemic awareness, and phonics.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Did not post or post did not address this criterion.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Connections to the Classroom
threshold: pts
EXPERT: Describes at least 2 teaching routines for effective intervention to implement in own classroom with strong rationale.
3.0 pts
DEVELOPING: Describes at least 1 teaching routine for effective intervention to implement in own classroom. May or may not include a strong rationale.
2.0 pts
EMERGING: Describes a general idea for intervention in own classroom without details or strong rationale.
1.0 pts
INADEQUATE: Did not post or post did not address this criterion.
0.0 pts
3.0 pts
Total Points: 9.0 out of 9.0